Thursday, June 13, 2013


Dollar store find!

Yes, I am a teacher and I often find myself sucked into the cheap finds at The Dollar Tree.

In my class, we play a game called "Sandwich", which is just another version of "hamburger".  Well, shout out for the The Dollar Tree, because today they had coasters in the shape of sandwich makings.  Perfect for playing "Sandwich".

Isn't it a cute little sandwich?

The package comes with nine different pieces.  

To play "Sandwich", I pass out a package of sandwich makings for every table.  I usually put a math problem on the board, and the first table to come up with the answer on their own white boards gets a point.  A point means they get to add one sandwich making to their bread.  The first table with a whole sandwich (all the makings on the bread) stands up and enthusiastically yells out "SANDWICH!".

 It's a winner, the kiddos love playing Sandwich!!  

Think I am going to go back to The Dollar Tree and buy the little plastic sandwich holders to keep the pieces in.  Cute, right?

P.S. Right after purchasing the sandwich coasters at The Dollar Tree, I saw very similar hamburger coasters at Target.  So, you can take your pick, is it going to be a "Sandwich" or a "Hamburger" :) ? 


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